Creating Fire Comet Text Reveal Effect using Particles in DaVinci Resolve

fire comet text reveal effect in davinci resolve

This video is a step by step tutorial on how to create an awesome fire comet text reveal effect using particles in DaVinci Resolve. The video shows how to use most common settings of the pEmitter node in DaVinci Resolve 16. We create an animation that looks like a fire comet, which will move from … Read more


Compositing in DaVinci Resolve – Part 1

compositing in davinci resolve

In this tutorial we will start the Compositing in DaVinci Resolve project. We’ll start by building the fire and smoke effects, which will then be incorporated in a final scene. We achieve the fire and smoke effect using the particles in DaVinci Resolve.  As a particle we take an animated Fast Noise node. Each Fast … Read more
