How To Add AdMob Ads in Android App – Banner Ads

How To Add AdMob Ads In Android App - Banner Ads

In this tutorial you will see how to: add banner ads in your Android App add events in the ad’s lifecycle use Smart Banners What are banners ads? Banners ads are rectangular image or text ads that  occupy a spot within an app’s layout. They stay on screen during the time that the users are … Read more


Install Visual Studio Code and PHP IntelliSense Extension – Tutorial

Install Visual Studio Code and PHP IntelliSense Extension - Tutorial

In this video we will install Visual Studio Code, install the PHP IntelliSense extension and create a simple PHP file in Visual Studio Code. The video starts with showing you how to download and install Visual Studio Code. The second part is about how to install the PHP IntelliSense in Visual Studio Code. And, finally, … Read more


Using Alert Dialog in Android Studio – Tutorial


Alert Dialog is used very often when building applications. Usually, it is used to warn a user about an action he is about to take. Most of the time, those action are critical and irreversible, before deleting something for example. A simple Alert Dialog in Android Studio would show the title, a warning or explanation … Read more


Load XAMPP localhost in Android device – Tutorial

XAMPP localhost in Android Device

Who needs this? Every beginner in programming, will come to a point when he’ll need to be able to open the the XAMPP localhost in Android for testing purposes. If you’d start developing Android device applications, then for sure, at some point you’ll face the need to be able to connect to the XAMPP localhost … Read more
