Java in Android Studio: Custom Toast Message

Table of Contents

Today you will learn how to build a custom toast message in Android Studio, using Java language.

Starting Project

In an empty activity project, I name my project “MyCustomToastMessage” and choose Java for the programming language. For the Minimum API level, I leave it to API 15: Android 4.0.3 (IceCreamSandwich).

android java project custom toast message
Custom Toast Message

After waiting for Gradle to build, we open the MainActivity.

Creating the Layout Resource File

First of all we create the Layout resource file, which will hold our front-end forms.

layout resource form
Layout Resource Form

And then I name it custom_toast. I leave the Root element to be of “LinearLayout” type:

custom toast android linear layout
Custom Toast Android Linear Layout

Next, add these lines to your custom_toast.xml file.

custom toast form
Custom Toast Form

Next, open the activity_main.xml file and delete the text control that is already in there.

Drag a button from the left panel and align it to the middle of the screen, using the constraints in the ConstraintLayout.

custom toast message constraints
Custom Toast Message Constraints

Change the text property of the button to: “Show Custom Toast”.

custom toast message button text
Button Text

Java Code

In the we write the Java code.

First we define the button and then we set the onClickListener method.

custom toast message java code part 1
Custom Toast Message Java Code Part 1
custom toast message java code part 2
Custom Toast Message – Java Code Part 2

First Application Look

This is what you should see if you run the application.

custom toast message first live view
Custom Toast Message – First Live View

Well, the design for the toast message look ugly. We need to redesign it to look better.

We do that in the custom_toast.xml file.

custom toast message redesign the layout
Custom Toast Message – Redesign the Layout

And this is how it look now:

custom toast message redesigned look
Custom Toast Message – Redesigned Look

Repositioning the Custom Toast Message

If, for example, you want to change the offset or the position where in the application the custom toast message should appear, then you need to play with the offset and gravity properties in the Java code.

We do that in the file.

custom toast message reposition the message
Custom Toast Message – Reposition the Message

And, after repositioning, the final layout looks like this:

custom toast message final layout
Custom Toast Message – Final Layout

Hopefully this was useful to you.

Thanks for reading the article and watching the video!


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